
Flight details
Title: rigging error
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Scott Dougal
Date of flight:6th April 2013
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
I stopped at the shop to find out where everyone was as it looked easterly but dissonantly there were some on West Firle. The shop was buzzing, they said just to go where I could see people flying. It looked that they were flying the easterly facing bowl and knowing the forecast was set to go more easterly, decided, I went as we had planned to Bo Peep.

It was great to see Ozzie and all the others, there were loads out on what had started as a nice sunny day. It was windy but bright, while I was rigging however it completely filled in with cloud and got cold, ‘come sempre'. My glider kept trying to go for a walk so I chose to rig flat, little did I know that this would cause problems later.


I felt really uncomfortable on the first flight. I had what felt like a turn, my harness was also not adjusted correctly [partly I think because I just flung it in the boot last week and forgot about it - messy], the angle of dangle rope was set very high making me feel odd and disconnected. It was hard to feel I could adjust it as the glider had a strong left turn that I constantly had to counter, If I took a hit of lift also turning me that way it was hard to control. So my imagination began to wheel making me worried that my landing at Swanborough last week may have bent something.

The air was ok though, enough for some boring soaring, in denial totally I tried best I could to get on and work through the feeling I had with the glider. However it was very tiring so I landed only after 30mins.

I looked at my battons with Ozzie and swapped the tip ones to see if this helped – it did not and the second flight was even more uncomfortable and exhausting – landing was better but still pants – then on closer inspection I found that one of the undersurface battons was rigged over the leading edge – this distorted the wing a little, but enough to cause a difficult turn… it had not made a strong visual change to the look of the wing and I had not
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:50.823183,0.127483
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance4.50 km
Score11.25 km
GPS evidence from:XC.011517.igc