
Flight details
Title: Mass assault on Ashford
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Greg Hamerton
Date of flight:28th April 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
A day where having an Icepeak didn't help much. Because I have a fast glider, I felt duty bound to use the speed, so I pushed out ahead with Craig Atwell on his R12. The air at Burwash was choppy and climbs were weak. Got low, circled for ages, and watched the whole SHGC club drift by in the good air ... they had wisely stayed high and flown slowly. 

Great to see so many XC pilots in the air: I saw Seb, Craig, Carlo, Nancy, Tefal, Shaun Bolton and a very persistant orange Sky glider all nearing Ashford, as well as many others. Super!

I never really recovered my height again, didn't get to base as others did (I think the lower layer was getting eaten away by the encroaching sea air). I scrabbled north when dropped into seabreeze southerly, under the 3500' airspace, hoping to get to Thames (or anywhere, further, just not here ... waaaaaahhh, sink). Walked to Lenham and got train to London Victoria then home. Cost �34, single, on a Sunday! WTF? Lovely day out though, crispy sky, freshly washed cu's. :-)
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.20707,0.724672
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance66.94 km
Score66.94 km
GPS evidence from:2013-04-28_caburn-lenham.kml