
Flight details
Title: But I didn't mean to go XC.......
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Peter Impey
Date of flight:30th April 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
No - really. It was too windy for PG. But a couple were up and doing OK in the breeze. Ed had flown off to the west. So with a little bit of cheating, I took off. One nice climb then back to the hill. Bit of up and down, then a better climb nicely marked by the hangies thank you very much. By now I'm not getting back to the hill so press on. No worries - I can land near Sainsburys at Newhaven, but more lift. So let's work cross wind to get away from the coast and maybe land near Tarring Neville. Oh! more lift. Well then - let's head across the Ouse cos I've got enough height to miss the nasty farmer and can make it to past Peacehaven. It's all very buoyant though so, with a bit of off set so as not to get any closer to the coast, we can make it to Saltdean. All very nice, smooth but conscious of the breeze. More climbing - aha! St Dunstans....and now Brighton Marina. Lots of buildings ahead and the perspective from over 3000ft makes it look like I'm nearly over the sea already. Time for a bit of north, methinks. With a bit of offset, penetration OK but time to go down now. Race course looks good. Cue for massive lift and turbulence. What's going on? It's not SBF - no sign behind (although some wing mirrors would have helped), nice little cu overhead and around but nonetheless altogether not feeling very nice. Still over 2 grand. Check penetration into wind again. Hmmm.....3 - 5km. But crabbing crosswind OK and heading over Hollingbury to the wide open spaces north of the A27. Once certain of the angle in, serious big ears and down to a gentle landing near the A 27.  

Moral of the story. When its too windy, its too windy. 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.8715,-0.133977
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance23.57 km
Score23.57 km
GPS evidence from:2013-04-30_11-14.kml