
Flight details
Title: Bo-Peep to Petersfield
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:John Barratt
Date of flight:30th April 2013
Wing type:Rigid wing
Flight details:
We could see some curtain cloud near the Long Man. Steve C was planning to stay local, but Luke and myself had declared Petersfield. Tammy the Golden Retriever was ready to fetch!
I'd rigged but was going to have a coffee and a fag before take-off. No time 
for that, so I put my flask in my harness, forgot the fag and took off. As I 
climbed Steve shot off along the cloud line. I glided forward with Matt on 
my left. He was heading for the curtain cloud to the right, but you need to 
stay inland of this. I had to slow down and jink left, getting waked from 
his glider. He disappeared down into the rough stuff under the curtain, whereas I sailed up in the smooth lift in front of the cloud. As 
the plan was to head for Petersfield I used the height to glide away towards 
Swanborough. I couldn't see Luke anywhere.
Had a lovely, easy ride along the South Downs, with the wind behind me, 
picking off (blue) thermals from the obvious ground sources. Met the cloud 
each time I climbed.
I burned off some very strong lift to land at Petersfield. I could finally 
drink my coffee, warming up in the sun before wandering up to the pub in 
Stroud village, whilst poor Miles battled with the rush hour traffic to come 
and get me! Much nicer travelling by air!

Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight to Goal
Finish at:51.012417,-0.978459
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance81.70 km
Score110.30 km
GPS evidence from:2013-04-30_11-37.kml