
Flight details
Title: DIY SIV at the Dyke
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:John Porter
Date of flight:19th May 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Launched, into light thermal at just after 5 p.m. Followed lifty lines to around 1600 feet ASL. The sea breeze came in and I have never before experienced such an out of control feeling as the sea breeze front overtook me. For several minutes it was all I could do to keep the wing above my head as the gentle, relatively warm, northerly airflow mixed with the cool sea air. All the lines kept going slack and I was pumping the brakes constantly to prevent the wing from pitching too far forward or sideways. It was definitely one of those "I want to be back on the ground" moments. A bit of turbulence doesn't really bother me normally, but this was probably the most terrifying flight of my life. The SIV course I went on four years ago was positively relaxing by comparison. Landed near the Ginger Fox pub (used to be the Shaves Thatch) from where I got a lift back to the Dyke.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.913958,-0.215917
Landing place:Near Ginger Fox pub
Distance6.34 km
Score6.34 km
GPS evidence from:2013-05-19_16-04 Dyke Sea Breeze.kml