
Flight details
Title: Dyke to Ripe
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Boris Tyszko
Date of flight:26th May 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After a couple of hours of flying in strong thermal activity I decided to go for one last flight. After a strong coffee I took off for a quick bundle around and caught a lovely thermal which took me over the back of the Dyke. A chap in what I think was a blue & purple Mentor 2 joined me and we climbed all the way up to 3 others that were already up there. They shot off for the glide to the next cloud and I followed behind a little lower. It was smoother up there except for a small frontal with full speed bar in the blue (reduced it to 3/4 until rough part past). I caught a second thermal that got me some more hight but after that it was gentle glide down to Ripe. Going downwind I noticed my forward speed was quite fast so when I came in to land I was still travelling backwards slightly so I killed the wing with the Cs with no difficulty. The medium-sized field I landed in, I learnt from Val and Malcolm, was a turfing field and I didn't need to seek the owner to thank them for the size and beauty of it. After chatting to the couple, Val kindly insisted on giving me a lift to Berwick Station - Thank you very much. At the station I folded my glider and ate my peanut butter & marmalade sandwich - Thank you Vincent for the bread!
Lessons learnt: Stay in lift until there is nothing left. Don't change direction when thermalling. Mount GoPro properly. Feel for which side the thermal hits the wing first and turn that way. Learn to read the ground more for thermal sources & triggers. Check map more often. Use more peanut butter & jam in sandwich.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.86735,0.145533
Landing place:Ripe
Witness:GPS file
Distance25.65 km
Score25.65 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.011682.igc