
Flight details
Title: Ivo's Window
Pilot:Mark Rubinstein
Date of flight:31st May 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
The predicted cold front came through with thunder and lightning before breakfast so it was a surprise when Ivo said that there could be a 90 minute flyable window but only if we left �now!�  In spite of the promise of only a top to bottom and wet wings I was keen to try the Bulgarian air and the rest of the crew, thankfully, were keen or persuaded to come along.  

A new take-off site (well it is all new to me) gave a lovely view across the valley with conditions that were rather better than expected so a goal of flying back to Sopot was declared.  Owen and Crispin flew off first and got low enough that we all expected them to land out whilst Finn caught a rocket up to the dark clouds.  Grita, Pete and I took off close together with only Grita getting a good climb, Pete and I headed out to the valley.  Half-way down I got a steady climb but by the time I had got high, Owen and Crispin had mastered a wonderful low save and together with Grita and Finn had set off along the mountains to clearer looking skies whilst I was climbing under dark and looming monsters.  I left the climb early � new to these Bulgarian conditions � strong climbs and strong sink.  I was delighted to call it a day when I got to the declared goal, joining Crispin in the landing field whilst Grita and Finn pushed on ahead and Owen landed back home to get his breakfast.

Shortly after we had all returned home the thunderstorms that Ivo had predicted arrived, proving what a Met-master he is.  A lovely start to my few days with the Bulgarian odyssey 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:42.665468,24.743397
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance15.93 km
Score15.93 km
GPS evidence from:2013-05-31_09-10.kml