
Flight details
Title: LCC 2013 - B Comp Day 1 Task from Swinside to end of Buttermere
Pilot:James Hope-Lang
Date of flight:31st May 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
When we arrived at the hill the wind was 20-25mph on the edge of the ridge but a few of us moved around to a hollow nearer the middle where it was launchable between the gusts! 

First attempt and I bombed out at the bottom fairly frustratingly quickly so hiked back up to try again. Wind was picking up which had people struggling a bit with launch. Managed to get off the hill with only minor drama, found some good lift to 2200 ft and headed out into the big blue yonder. Mainly stayed away from the ridge (a big mistake on reflection) but enjoyed the thermalling opportunities along the way. Managed a low safe near one farmhouse in a strong thermal whilst experiencing my first big collapses..! As I left Crummock got a bit more lift over Buttermere Village but not enough to round the final ridge properly and died in the sink next to the lake. Landed next to the round 2km from goal.

Video to follow shortly...
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:54.536,-3.266033
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance8.17 km
Score8.17 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.011733.igc