
Flight details
Title: 154km Personal Best from the Dyke
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Luke Nichol
Date of flight:2nd June 2013
Wing type:Rigid wing
Flight details:
Still buzzing now! Been stressful trying to download the flight, my main gps unknowingly deletes the track after 3hrs 30 minutes to make room for more data so the first 2 hours of my flight were erased!!! Luckily Ian had lent me his garmin etrex which I stuffed in my harness just incase and only got the lead to see if it recorded anything from him today. It did! 

I got dropped off at the dyke with my glider and my harness and a baguette for lunch, and then the Golden retriever left for Lewes. It all went well rigging the glider right up until I went to put the nose cone on and I didn't have it!!! Aaaaah, where is it! Looked all around the paddock as I had packed away there a couple of days ago but still couldn't find it, phoned the person I was de rigging next to and they said they would check if they have it that day...(they did and I have now got it) however I couldn't fly with a gaping big hole in the front of my glider. Started to get depressed and seriously thought about packing away and realising its not going to be my day... Until with great help from Steve cook and Steve m for the masking tape, I stuffed my coat in the hole and taped it up with masking tape! Used half a roll but it did the job! So I was all ready to launch...

Waited for a while and the paragliders were getting some okay climbs and the clouds were already good but the ridge lift was weak. I took off and had a scratchy 10minutes so took the earliest opportunity to land as I didn't want to go down. Waited for another 20minutes under my glider and the air looked to be getting better so when I saw a couple of pg's go through some large lift on the spur in front of the bowl I took off first and headed straight for it, after my first turn I saw Steve cook and johnny Carr launch and head straight for me, we gained about 150ft in it but it was too weak to work so we all scrambled to truleigh where a nice 3up took us all near cloudbase. I had planned to go east as I'm waiting for my 6030 to arri
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Out and Return
Finish at:50.851228,0.126665
Landing place:TQ499071
Witness:Garmin Etrex
Distance105.65 km
Score211.30 km
GPS evidence from:154km.kml