
Flight details
Title: My First XC in Annecy
Pilot:Dave Massie
Date of flight:12th June 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:

Hi guys, I meant to post this while I was in France but didn't have internet.

Plus technically it's more of a very long top to bottom ;)

But anyways. ..
After 3 days of SIV, went to Annecy's main take off with fellow students for a bit of real flying. 
Going up was pretty easy and I was able to really locate thermals and go round them! 
Felt good not to hear big BHOooo everytime I turned!
Took a bit of height and followed an other guy going towards some big rocky mountain. 
As usually I got there much lower than him and had to work hard to get up again. Scary! as below me was a big sea of trees! 
I soon realized I could locate thermals passing on top of trees through their shaking leaves!! Excited to finally "see" an locate a thermal all by myself, I felt very proud and gave myself a pat on the back, which was not a good idea given the fact I obviously had the brakes in my hands :)
When I got back to the level of the rocks, air got very rough and I even got a small collapse. At that time I really shat myself so tried to get away from the ridge and hoped for some lift,  which didn't happen. By then I was at the "planfait" take off, and thought of going to land down there.  But I then spotted 4 buzzards circling close to me. Rushed to follow them and even had one flying few meters from me! He looked me in the eye and shouted! ! How coool. 
Of course I didn't get any worthy lift and kept going down slowly... buzzards suck...
By that time I was very low and saw only a big garden next to the lake as landing option. Still I hoped for more lift and started flying towards doussard main landing field. 
Kept going low and realized I'd never make it. With bellow me only trees and a lake!!! I turned back to make it to this garden. 
JUST made it, only few meters above trees. Couldn't really see wind direction, but seemed very light anyway. I had to go in between two big trees and flare way above the groun
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flat Triangle
Finish at:45.81235,6.232067
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance14.04 km
Score21.06 km
GPS evidence from:XC.011849.igc