
Flight details
Title: The rough edge of the sky (and the farmer's tongue)
Pilot:Andrew Craig
Date of flight:1st July 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After a couple of collapses high (thankfully) above the takeoff ridge, I considered baling out to land at the campsite for an afternoon of tea and sunshine. But I stuck it out, and it got a bit less horrible, though still strong and sporty over the dead volcano. After the penultimate turnpoint, I bimbled along the valley, thinking something would turn up; it didn't, and I just failed to scrape on to the face above which stood the last turpoint. I landed in a harvested field devoid of animals, but still got a telling-off from the farmer (not helped by another couple of pilots joining me, including our own Garry Taylor). She warned me that her dog was "mechant". I don't know why the dog didn't give me a similar warning about its mistress.

Disappointing not to make goal, but 43k (more for Garry), so not too shabby by my standards. Simon Steel made goal but had missed a turnpoint. Catherine Castle and Hoppy were both in the 30s, I think. Colin McCloskey decided to land after the first couple of turnpoints.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:44.523395,5.740557
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance42.19 km
Score42.19 km
GPS evidence from:Aspresk_0.kml