
Flight details
Title: Plumpton to the Dyke and back
Site:Plumpton Aerotow
Pilot:Dan Balla
Date of flight:6th July 2013
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
We had a great day aerotowing at Plumpton. I had my first decent flight of aerotow in what I perceived to be difficult conditions to start with. It got much better around 12:15 until around 14:30 when the sea air came in and killed all the lift.
Chris and Miles made the most of it though and had some good training flights.
Below are a few photos I managed to squeeze out of my gopro before the battery died, and a very short and uninteresting video: http://youtu.be/J8VvJEdYhjw
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Out and Return
Finish at:50.894317,-0.052733
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance23.17 km
Score34.76 km
GPS evidence from:XC.011867.igc