
Flight details
Title: Almost the complete site tour
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Greg Hamerton
Date of flight:7th July 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After tandems at Bo Peep, flew carefully along to Firle, waiting at the trig beacon to build height. After Firle the drift was pushing me away from Caburn but used clouds to push upwind then crosswind. Waited at Caburn on east side to get high again, took ages, sank out and almost landed on north of hills. Got a small wind-whipped thermal off the back of the golf course back up to base. headed for Ditchling - easier flying this section. Nice climb off Ditchling, drifted over to Dyke then Truleigh. Coming back from Truleigh towards Newhaven there was a blue hole and headwind, so only got to Coldean, but maybe if I'd pushed north to Newtimber first I might have reconnected with Ditchling ridge? Lovely day, some of the best South Downs flying I've had to date.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.872,-0.1262
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance45.53 km
Score45.53 km
GPS evidence from:2013-07-07_XC_BP-truleigh-coldean.kml