
Flight details
Title: Milk Hill White Horse to Wantage
Site:Milk Hill
Pilot:John Porter
Date of flight:26th July 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
The previous night, RASP was looking epic so took the Friday off work. Arrived at 08:30, met up with Andrew Craig who drove us up to Milk Hill car park. Carlo, Nancy, Greg, Simon and Franco arrived in Flybubble van around 10ish. Eventually, as wind was looking a bit southerly, we walked round past Milk Hill to Milk Hill White Horse, where, after a few pilots launched and slope landed, conditions improved and many of us got away under quite lifty conditions. Having gained height with Carlo, Nancy, Simon and others we ventured northeastish around Marlborough and beyond, getting to cloudbase a couple of times along the way. At one point, just past the M4, Carlo was working a weak thermal having got really low. I joined him and we eventually made slow progress, drifting NE. Nancy was ahead, then Carlo got high and I nearly landed, but managed a low save over a tiny area of woodland surrounded by crops. This thermal rocketed me to 3000 feet again the eventually landed south of Wantage. Carlo went on to do around 85kmish? Huge thanks to the Flybubble team who took me back to my car.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.584617,-1.4448
Landing place:Challow and Childrey Cricket Club p
Witness:GPS and Nancy, who had landed nearb
Distance42.09 km
Score42.09 km
GPS evidence from:XC.011941.igc