
Flight details
Title: Truleigh run
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Paul Jiggins
Date of flight:30th November 2013
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Took off around 2pm wondering where everyone was. 5 hangies flying with me being the only PG pilot on the hill.  Happy days for a Saturday.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Out and Return
Finish at:50.885883,-0.212583
Landing place:
Distance6.30 km
Score9.45 km
GPS evidence from:XC.012410.igc
michael collins1st Dec 10:41: hi, we had a group of pilots from our club who headed up from london and played the patience game un sunday 1st december and around 1500 the truleigh run started to look on after a low wind and cold day around 10 headed off and i think all but 1 or two made it, till next time Mick Collins LCGI