
Flight details
Title: 19.6km Milk hill to Liddington hill
Site:Milk Hill
Pilot:Lauren Martins
Date of flight:16th February 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Boomerang 9 21 first flight, 17km from milk Hill to Liddington Hill. Photo at Liddington Hill SW take off.

Cross country with heavy gear and ballast = nightmare!! That said the boomerang 9 21 is just another league from everything else, gliding tail wind at 35:1 glide ratio is something I never experienced with a paraglider before, simply amazing, although I couldn't turn tight as I do with the Icepeak 6 19 therefore I wasn't outclimbing others easily as I do with the IP6 19, maybe because I was a bit conservative on the brakes and turns on the boomerang 9 21 as it's my first flight with it. Anyway results of flying big glider with 20kg bag + 8 ballast = broken nail, dragged by strong gust, dirty all my Xrated 6, hurt my foot and just managed to finish packing.. Exhausted on a taxi. Thanks those who offered me a lift, I'm already in Taxi
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.514417,-1.698917
Landing place:
Witness:Start and finish taken from IGC fil
Distance18.61 km
Score18.61 km
GPS evidence from:XC.012396.igc
Miles Hockliffe17th Feb 04:21: Did a few quick calcs from your track I reckon you were getting around 10:1 sometimes 12:1. Where in your flight did you see 35:1 best I "saw" in you tracklog was 27:1 as you fell out of the thermal over Lockeridge
Miles Hockliffe17th Feb 04:22: double post
David Williamson17th Feb 04:31: I saw one P/G at the Dyke; they'd only been ground handling. " It's got to be rough to be good!"
Dave Massie17th Feb 05:10: We were at Caburn. Bit windy, and no chance of XC.
Luke Nichol17th Feb 05:38: Impressive flight in February! http://www.paraglidingforum.com/leonardo/flight/871453