
Flight details
Title: 2nd flight of the day
Site:Bo Peep
Pilot:Miles Hockliffe
Date of flight:10th March 2014
Wing type:Rigid wing
Flight details:
sky got better with some embedded Cu in the spreadout.

Unfortunately..... I spotted our local sky god taking off whilst I was over at Beddingham bowl & in my rush (http://www.doarama.com/view/4008  check out max speed !!! ...... actually it was "only" 82 mph ) to get back & pimp off him for a free ride round Sussex I snapped my vario pod mounting bracket off (kinda ironic as its the only "commercial" component of my new Kobo/Flytec set-up)
Had to stuff the pod into my harness which then caused the ASI to think I was stalled Grrr, reverted to my faithful Solario for the remainder of the flight.

Still a great day & nice to get out on the Rigid again after only having a couple of PG flights on Beachy last Sat since Dec last year
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.829567,0.145717
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance19.33 km
Score19.33 km
GPS evidence from:2014-03-10_11-11.kml