
Flight details
Title: Crete Road to Bekesbourne, ex - WW1 and WW2 aerodrome
Site:Crete Road
Pilot:Steve Uzochukwu
Date of flight:24th March 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Managed to get away from this small almost coastal site for only about the 3rd time in my flying career. Very close to coast so opportunities few and far between, got past the old HG record to Snowdown colliery.

First flight out of the bag for the Nova Ion 3.

Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:51.259917,1.152633
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance17.93 km
Score17.93 km
GPS evidence from:2014-03-24_11-33.kml
Miles Hockliffe11th Apr 06:39: You got da bug this year fella
Shaun Bolton12th Apr 08:08: Hi Steve, i have flown Crete road many times so know how difficult that is to get away from . Nice flying. Also it was me who flew away from the climb that you took to base at Caburn. I am still hurting from beating myself to a pulp when you dissapered of into the distance. Again well done!! A very rusty start for me this season but lessons being learnt all the way. Shaun