
Flight details
Title: Caburn to Rushlake Green
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Steve Uzochukwu
Date of flight:10th April 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Three of us walked up Caburn before it came on, and rigged up whilst the first breaths of sea breeze were starting. As Gandhi and Tefal have both said before, when you go to Caburn it will only be possible to get away when the sea breeze first starts, before it starts to howl and becomes stable.

As soon as the sea breeze arrived, Vincent and the other chap took off and started to climb in a way that wasn't funny and I took off and started to bomb out immediately. 5 minutes of struggling then I started to climb and Vincent started to spiral spoiling the possibilities for leeching.

Just as the climb became good and required being over the top or slightly behind the hill they all flew away. I would have been wondering what they had seen that I had missed BUT I was in a climb that had "cloudbase" written on it and as there was VERY little drift I was going to to rock it and if I cocked up I'd walk back from Glyndebourne. John saw me climbing and came over, but he was a long way below (more like 800ft) and he headed off without I thought exploring enough.

Still naff all drift at base when Luke came past, I was only just over Glynde then. Tracked North because clouds were better there and PGs can't outrun sea breeze. Then some bar, then another climb close to Kitty Hawk, and another near Deanland. Didn't get to base IIRC then started bombing, struggled with dribs and drabs just before A22 then saw seagulls on the far side. Climbed about 600ft in scrappy stuff before two buzzards showed me where the real McCoy was, then to base South of Heathfield, very near Horam.

That was the best climb, struggled after that and ended up at Rushlake Green. Only just over 20km straight line.

Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.9321,0.321717
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance20.83 km
Score20.83 km
GPS evidence from:2014-04-10_12-24.kml