
Flight details
Title: Downwind Dash to Nowheresville
Pilot:Mark Rubinstein
Date of flight:18th April 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
A lovely day at Pandy. In advance of the BCC competition lots of pilots, including many Southern Slackers, arrived for the better-forecast Friday .

A little windy and gusty on take-off but plenty of thermic cycles which saw some pilots leave the hill early (those ambitious combined service boys had declared a goal of Port Talbot).

On my third flight I managed to get a good climb and at over 4,000' I  felt in danger of being sucked into the black cloud above me.  Already getting a little milky although probably still 500' below cloud base I pushed back to escape and found myself in total blue with no signs of lift other than a climbing hang-glider in the distance.  I headed towards the hangie but only sniffed (but never caught) a scrappy bit of lift just above where all the walkers were enjoying the view from the top of the Sugar Loaf and landed just beyond shortly afterwards.

Unlike Matt's experience I had a golden retrieve.  I knew my wife had gone walking Sugar Loaf with her brother and phoned them as soon as I landed to find that they had just got back to his car.  A pin sent from my blackberry identified my location and after packing up I walked down to a farm just as they got to the top of the dead end lane.  They kindly drove me all the way to the top of Pandy (a brother-in-law is a wonderful thing) from where I was able to pay the favour forwards by retrieving Catherine.

A lovely day out in fantastic weather even if my flight was a one thermal wonder.

(NB KML file downloaded from Kobo mini.  I have matched the track compared to my Garmin 76 and the co-ordinates match pretty much exactly but the Kobo registered the heights fairly consistently about 20m lower than the Garmin)
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.862083,-3.085383
Landing place:Llanbedr
Witness:GPS file
Distance10.58 km
Score10.58 km
GPS evidence from:2014-04-18_13-30k.kml