
Flight details
Title: Very Short xc from milk hill
Site:Milk Hill
Pilot:John Turczak
Date of flight:4th May 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I went down for the BCC on saturday. Due to the Hanggliding comp on the only site we were allowed to use was Talybont. After a 50 minute major hike to the closer take off. The wind was off and nothing was happening. the sky was overcast. After an hour or so the sun started to break through but winf still off the  hill On the other side of the bowl we saw 4 pilots get away. So around to the other side we hiked. The only problem is the other side is an hours hike through bogs and marshes. And by the time we got there it had shut down and we were left with a forward launch and a top to bottom.

Sunday we decided to stop at Milk as it was on the way home. We knew nothing major cold be  done from there as due to the NOTAm for ABingdon. But some flying was better than none.

The thermals were very punchy but in the  end myself, Catherine and Pete Finnis got away. Catherine climbed out really well and I could not keep up with her. I bombed out after about 10k. I spoke to Catherine later and she decided to land as she didnt have all the airspace loaded - otherwise I think she was on for a good flight.

I got a lift back with a local pilot after a short walk and my elatation of the rapid lift soon faded when I found my car wouldn't start. Turned out to be a knackered battery that had died. The nice man from the RAC sold me a new one.

James Hope Lang was also there and he got away from the hill a bit later and I think also did about 10k

Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.418593,-1.764617
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance11.32 km
Score11.32 km
GPS evidence from:milkxc.kml