
Flight details
Title: Caburn to East Hoathley
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Simon Steel
Date of flight:5th May 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Got to the hill to see Ghandi high over muggery bottom and everyone else grounded. Walked up, set up as soon as I could and then spied a couple of birds out front. Launched and managed to connect low and gained a bit of height. Enough height (about a third of the way down Caburn) to spy more birds further out in a better thermal. Pushed out and connected, Ye Ha! Carlo came to join me as did some others but we were the only ones to get the good bit it seems and away we went. Slow going but there was some drift and we concentrated on getting to base. Then Carlo whistled and pointed the way to some scraggley bits of cloud forming. Carlo made the most of the lift and I was always on catch up. He knows exactly when to thermal in a particular way and I felt I was holding him back. Its also tricky to play catch up from below. If you get low you need to fly your own flight. I heard some kids shouting hello and after a bit of searching saw them bouncing on a trampoline in a posh garden.The air was getting a bit mixed up and difficult to find anything to core (I should have been doing larger turns and getting a better average climb in the bits and bobs of lift) so down I went and landed next to the kids. Photos taken, Tea drank,(with the ex commander of the Ark Royal) Lift to the very nice pub and a lovely pint and a retreave by Greg and Page even before Id drunk half of it! Thamks! Carlo of course went on to cross the Thames!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.92985,0.174083
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance13.56 km
Score13.56 km
GPS evidence from:2014-05-04-XCM-3RF-01.kml