
Flight details
Title: Second homecoming from Mt Caburn
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Peter Impey
Date of flight:5th August 2014
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Another flight back home. Mt C was windy, light overcast, patchy sun but light thermals starting to come through. Can't really say I climbed out, but four or five turns at the West end of the bowl and I appear to be committed despite only being at 1200ft or thereabouts. Bimbled as slowly as the wind would permit over the golf course and then saw Ed and Grita set out as well, so hung about to wait. Then a nice little gaggle working the light lift as we were pushed north. Ed then went West; Grita East. Me - straight on until dived left to land in the field next to the house. Nice glass of wine in the garden in the now stronger sun. Thanks to Crispin for the retrieve.   
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.962195,0.020619
Landing place:Newick
Witness:GPS file
Distance13.49 km
Score13.49 km
GPS evidence from:2014-08-05_08-37.kml