
Flight details
Title: Dyke-Deal
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Luke Nichol
Date of flight:27th February 2015
Wing type:Rigid wing
Flight details:
Fantastic flight, really slow going to start with, eventually climbed out properly with Mark and Carlo. Mark went upwind to a nice cloud but me and Carlo went downwind to some scraggly stuff. very slow going 0.5ups for a while, i went ahead to Falmer only to look back at Carlo climbing better but too far upwind. finally got a decent climb over Lewes and then very nearly landed near Ringmer due to a big blue hole.  After that it was very easy, much better climbs and good clouds. Connected with sea breeze near rye but turned inland and ran away from it as the clouds were much lower near the front. the mega Final glide to my declared turn point was far too close!!! 10 ft less and i wouldn't have made the turn point. Tammy picked me up 1hr30 minutes after landing but i had loads of local dog walker to chat to and a little jack russel that ran off with my sunglasses case!!! Dinner on the way home. Perfect day. 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight to Goal
Finish at:51.1952,1.399833
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance118.34 km
Score159.76 km
GPS evidence from:2015-02-27_11-26.kml
Crispin Rose-Innes27th Feb 02:58: Good going buster!
Robert Chisholm27th Feb 09:37: Impressive Luke so early in the season pole position Luke Rob Chisholm www.freeflightbrighton.co.uk
Luke Nichol28th Feb 01:58: Thanks Rob
Luke Nichol28th Feb 01:59: Thanks Crispin
Carlo Borsattino1st Mar 01:01: Great flight Luke, well done! The performance of your rigid is very impressive! What a great start to the year... Carlo Borsattino The FLYBUBBLE team www.flybubble.com
Luke Nichol2nd Mar 02:32: Cheers Carlo, are you going to post your flight so I can run them both in doarama? Very interested to see how you pushed forward from your climb South of Kingston and the route you took - the suspense is killing me ;0)