
Flight details
Title: Near power lines, under sucky cloud, to near Middle Farm
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:John Porter
Date of flight:27th April 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After two launches resulting in slope landings near the power lines towards Truleigh I re-launched a third time which took me to a couple of thousand feet with the sky looking rather good. Then after half an hour I was scratching around back at the Dyke when a hang glider started working some weak lift near the modellers bowl. I joined him and after what seemed ages climbed out, meeting Dave Massie on the way up. We shot off north of the A27 where cloud suck made it rather lifty. At that point the sky didn't look quite as friendly as it had before. Dave disappeared from view very briefly into a cloud then reappeared with big ears in. As 1/ there were a few drops of rain on my face, 2/ I was still rising with big ears in and maximum speed bar on, 3/the feeling in most of my fingers had gone due to the cold (-3°C ish), I decided to head for a blue hole north of Lewes and eventually lost height and  warmed up a bit. By that time it had really overdeveloped and there were few sunny areas so landed in a gentle south westerly about a mile north east of Middle Farm. Thumbed a lift on A27; after five minutes a kind lady offered to take me to Newhaven; I politely declined as I was heading back to the Dyke. Then shortly after, Fergus the JCB engineer took me all the way back to the Dyke. Hurrah!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Takeoff:TQ 24766 11525
To:TQ 24742 10426
To:TQ 24680 12163
To:TQ 25466 10680
Finish at:TQ 49782 09028
Landing place:Field near Middle Farm A27
Distance0.00 km
Score0.00 km