
Flight details
Title: Dyke to Lewes
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Rob Simpson
Date of flight:26th May 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Took off into decent lift, no turning required, and got into a thermal that took me to 3600' over the Dyke cutting.

Followed Andrew Craig from below over A23, Chris Lennon on a blue Ion and a mystery Delta 2 blue and black pilot.  They all zipped off, leaving me nursing a weak thermal south of Asda, then a stronger one over the Amex, and a low save at 300' over the Texaco station between Falmer and Lewes.  

I got pushed south over Kingston, where there seemed to be a lot of wind shear, and afeared of the SB I pushed forward to a sunny Lewes, failing to connect with anything, and landed next to the Lewes Football Ground.

Jolly ride back to the car on the jolly 77, with Chris, Andrew, John Young and Dickon Walker. 

Annoyingly, I misplaced my phone at Lewes Station, and my Garmin was strangely set to not recording a track... Doh!  But - in trying to locate my phone I found my previous locations from the all-knowing/spying Google, so will try to submit that.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.86731,0.013949
Landing place:Lewes
Distance19.98 km
Score19.98 km
GPS evidence from:DykeToLewes.png