
Flight details
Title: Some one was lucky!
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Dave Massie
Date of flight:26th May 2015
Wing type:Hang glider
Flight details:
Just before take off a paragliding went into a spin in the bowl from about 700 ft, he only just managed to pull out,,, lucky man! (He only had a couple more meters to go ) looked very scary I thought he must have been a very experienced pilot to try and sort it out rather than  chuck his chute,he's very lucky if it was chance!
Anyway today's flight ,started off crowded but got better.hard work but rewarding.

Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:50.882483,-0.215667
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance15.87 km
Score39.68 km
GPS evidence from:2015-05-26-XCM-CUM-03.igc