
Flight details
Title: First proper UK xc
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Ex Member 3223
Date of flight:26th May 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I have done a few ridge runs in the UK but not a proper xc, Monday being a trip to Truliegh and back twice. After spending the time on the ground watching Vincent whizz around on his Cloud saying how strong it was i took my chance as the wind dropped and after going straight out in front and going up well i found a thermal and drifted over the back. I saw another Rush 4 working another thermal and we seemed to converge on he same point both working well. I reached base and set of in a different direction to the other guy. We came together again over Holingbury but the thermal did not seem that good so i made a dash to the Amex and grabbed another good one. My plan then was to see where i could get to so i looked at Lewes and headed off but soon realised that all i had was sink all around. I made a decision that i had done great for me i would pop it down near the A27 and get on the bus, i did not realise it took so long to go into Brighton and then to walk to the station and get the 77.
Later i was with the group of guys that got to Truliegh and found that super thermal but i thought as me legs and head was aching i would leave them to it .... only to get back to the Dyke to see them at base and feeling totally gutted. Still happy with my day up there.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.86875,-0.016933
Landing place:Lewes
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance16.15 km
Score16.15 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.013644.igc