
Flight details
Title: From the Dyke to the Dicklands
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Andrew Craig
Date of flight:26th May 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Back at the Dyke, Max very kindly lent me his spare helmet, so I was back in business, with the sky looking good and base now higher.

I went behind the ridge a bit, then pushed forward and westwards, chasing Dickon but never quite catching him. Back at the Dyke I lost most of my height, but got a good climb with Chris Lennon on his Ion and Rob Simpson on his Mentor.

Over Brighton Chris out-thermalled me comprehensively (on his first cross-country), and was able to join Paul Jiggins (I think) on his Delta. Rob stayed behind to take another climb while I chased Chris and Paul. Getting low, I headed for a north-facing ridge to soar, only to see 30 kph on my GPS. Plan B was a west-facing ridge, which I soared for a while until a modest height gain enabled me to sneak over the next hill to Rodmell. I resisted the temptation to land on the village green, since it was small and surrounded by houses and trees. That'll be why it's called The Dicklands. I did pack up there, though.

As I reached the main road the Lewes bus swept past before I knew where the bus stop was, but the driver realised I was sprinting after him and kindly waited for me. Simon Steel was dropping Chris at the same bus stop. After a train to Brighton, Chris, Rob, John Young, Dickon and I took the 77 up to the Dyke together.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.835473,0.012276
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance25.20 km
Score25.20 km
GPS evidence from:Dicklandsk.kml