
Flight details
Title: First 50km
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Martin Long
Date of flight:27th May 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
I launched into a climb marked by 20 odd pilots just in front of launch. by the time we got to 2000ft only a couple handfuls of pilots remained (Vincent, Edmond, Grita, Roger and "Roger's Rush flying mate", to name the ones I got in the way of most). Second thermal over the windmills at Clayton and then straight down the ridge to Lewes where I caught up with Grita whose thermal I gratefully joined. Tricky decision to go over Lewes or not as I thought the sea breeze may have come in there but finally got to base over an airfield near Ripe. Some nice lines took me North of Hailsham where I met Carlo who had been catching me since I first caught sight of him over Lewes. It was good to have the company as things got a bit trickier. In the end Carlo smoked me and left me to my doom in the recreation ground in Battle. Doubled my PB and my UK PB was smashed. Can't wait till next time!

It came to me: Ellis. His name is Ellis.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Takeoff:TQ 25776 11134
To:TQ 29625 13370
To:TQ 47078 08859
To:TQ 73343 17256
Finish at: TQ 74184 16136
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance0.00 km
Score0.00 km
In novice league?YES