
Flight details
Title: The rose and the thistle
Site:Combe Gibbet
Pilot:Andrew Craig
Date of flight:7th June 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Back at the Gibbet after our first attempts, good cycles were still coming through, and it hadn't, as feared, gone too easterly.

It took a while to get substantial height, and I declined a chance to go over the back at 2200 ASL. The next time I got to 3000 feet before feeling that I was committed, and to my delight the climb continued to over 5000. I worked it with a yellow Axis Vega, while a yellow Queen and a green Mentor climbed below us.
I glided after the Axis, but when he turned left I decided to keep going downwind. Eventually the Queen and Mentor caught me, and south of Andover we worked together. It always amazes me how close Southampton and the Solent look when you get good height south of Combe, but my instruments all made sense as we went through the Middle Wallop MATZ to the waypoint that I'd entered at King's Somborne.

I shouted to ask the Queen and Mentor pilots if they had radios, thinking they might, like me, be on the BCC chanel. Andreas, who it turned out was flying the Mentor, called back: “No – but can I help you with anything?” I was glad to be able to help him a little later by reassuring him that if we now kept heading for my destination at Blandford Forum, we'd stay clear of trouble.

All through the flight I'd been hearing the big cheeses of XC flying chatting on the radio as they approached somewhere from somewhere else a long way off. Now I began to hear Catherine, who must have been much nearer than I'd realised throughout the flight – Garry, too. But I think her statement that she was over Salisbury plain was, fortunately, a little wide of the mark.

Andreas got lower, while I met up with the Queen  (the paraglider, not Her Majesty) again to climb back over 5000, as Andreas landed at the appropriately named Downton. I'd been staying north of a line on my Garmin, and had to make my final glide westward to continue doing so; in fact, the line was parallel to and north of the edge of Bournemouth airspace, so I could have glid
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.962731,-1.84198
Landing place:Rockbourne
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance59.87 km
Score59.87 km
GPS evidence from:Rockbournek.kml