
Flight details
Title: A Day on The Run. The Lawley to Ledbury
Pilot:Crispin Rose-Innes
Date of flight:7th June 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Arrived at the Lawley at 10-ish with Carlo, Nancy, Ed and Grita to find we were the only ones. Strong on take off. We prepared and waited a while for the gusts to abate. Word was out and hot on Carlo's scent, other pilots began to arrive for what we all hoped might be the big one.

Carlo launched first followed in quick succession by Nancy, myself, Grita and Ed. Carlo and Nancy made a nice and immediate climb out while Ed, Grita and I struggled to gain height while cruising the spine back trying to find the best thermal to take us on our way. Those on the ground were in no rush and stayed put, watching our slow progress. 

And then it happened. Grita and I found ourselves in a reasonably good climb, took a chance and slowly drifted away. It turned out to be a hard but challenging flight heading south, caught up, joined, and overtaken by others on their skinny, fast wings. Barney Woodhead marked a low save and together we climbed out from near ground level at the northern end of the Malverns, to continue on and on over the hills with good climbs and many low saves along the way. Wonderful views of the Malverns to the east, Hay Bluff to the west and the River Severn in the distant south. 

Eventually, all good things come to an end and my flight came to a slow end at Ledbury after 3hrs, flying a touch over 66ks. It's taken all these years to beat my previous personal best of 54ks flown in Brazil in 2003. What joy! A few personal bests yesterday, especially one for Carlo who flew to the south coast to break through the magic 200! Well done and exceptionally good flying Carlo!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:52.034233,-2.441683
Landing place:Ledbury
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance66.50 km
Score66.50 km
GPS evidence from:2015-06-07_09-59.kml