
Flight details
Title: Just short of 50k but a PB
Site:Combe Gibbet
Pilot:John Turczak
Date of flight:23rd June 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Having gone over my last couple of flights and realised I was not being patient and was leaving climbs too early I resolved to make the most of each climb. After several unsuccessful attempts t get up at Combe today I finally hooked into a climb along with a pilot on a mantra M2 and another on a Delta 2. The pilot on the M2 disappeared into sky and left myself and the Delta 2 working together to get established. We the split up I tool one track the Delta another and then we met up again about 5 k later.

At this point we were searching for some lift and getting low. There were a few blips where we were so I stayed and worked those the Delta 2 took off to look for something else. I got lucky and where I was developed into a climb to base and the Delta 2 landed out.

That climb took me to the pig farm at Whitchurch and it was fairly easy (but slow) going towards Popham.

I saw the M2 soaring there and he flew over to a small climb I had. I then spotted  4 sail planes going up in a thermal so I went on a glide for them the M2 took a different path.

It turned out to be a good thermal all the way to base. And I had to big ear to avoid the clouds.

The M2 took a different line and landed out. I then found all the lifty  stuff was taking me towards Southhampton air space. SO i had to cross a large patch of blue. And that kind of finished it. I had one more low save that gave me about another 5 k and that was it. Damn good fun and my PB for Europe and flatland flying.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.065533,-1.039467
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance47.77 km
Score47.77 km
GPS evidence from:2015-06-23_12-01combe47.kml