
Flight details
Title: Milk Hill to Milton Keynes
Site:Milk Hill
Pilot:Paul Jiggins
Date of flight:24th June 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After missing the first gaggle with some poor take-off timing I managed a good climb-out about an hour later all the way to base in one hit.  I few climbs and glides later saw me over Oxford, notionally my first goal but I'd said on take off if things were going well then I fancied Milton Keynes and the elusive 100 km.  

After a long glide over Oxford from base at Abingdon and the low point of my flight at 2300 ft I hit a real boomer from the car plant taking me back to base at around 4800 ft.  From there I had Milton Keynes in my sights and my waypoint set at 105 km from the hill.  Again, a few climbs and glides later saw me over Milton Keynes eyeing up my goal.  Don't rely on google earth, my field I had chosen as my goal was now a building site.  Ho hum, it had plenty of room so I landed anyway.  The builders were great and the site manager even got one of his guys to give me a lift to the station.  

Eventually got back to the hill via London and home for about 11pm.  A long day but not as long as some others.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:52.034117,-0.807617
Landing place:Milton Keynes
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance105.75 km
Score105.75 km
GPS evidence from:XC.013772.igc