
Flight details
Title: Milk Hill to Abingdon Prep School
Site:Milk Hill
Pilot:Paul Jiggins
Date of flight:29th June 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
With the great and the good of the paragliding world at Milk yesterday clocking up some big distances at least I knew I was on the right hill.  Quick chat with Vincent and we both declared the same goal at about 190 km or something silly.  Didn't quite make it but for my efforts I managed 54 km in quite rough conditions....at least I thought it was and more than one low save made it hard work. Given the flight took 2 hours 40 for only 54 km when the week before I only took 3 hours for over 100k it was slow going.  I landed on the playing fields of some posh prep school during cricket lessons. They were very polite and even helped me find the local bus into Oxford, after escorting me off the playing field due to child protection issues....I did get a round of applause from the kids though.  
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.67015,-1.365617
Landing place:Abingdon Prep School
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance54.58 km
Score54.58 km
GPS evidence from:XC.013798.igc