
Flight details
Title: Slow and steady doesn't win the race
Pilot:Andrew Craig
Date of flight:7th July 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
My priority in a comp task is always to make goal rather than worry about my speed. So I took every top-up that I could find. At a vital time I was helped by three Axis wings and a Gradient, who I think must have been a bunch of Czech free-flyers. Back at the last turnpoint near launch, I soared the ridge with Garry and Emily, before taking my highest climb of the day.

The final leg was super easy, but I still took top-ups. As I cruised towards the goal cylinder I felt very pleased with myself, and for good measure flew back to the campsite. My pleasure was hardly diminished by the discovery that 106 other pilots had also made goal, 95 of them ahead of me. But I beat Kevin Say!

The valley was so buoyant in the late afternoon that I suspect that anyone taking off at 1700 could have flown the whole course without circling at all, possibly with big ears in.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:46.199019,13.706622
Landing place:
Witness:GPS file
Distance60.42 km
Score60.42 km
GPS evidence from:Goalcampk.kml