
Flight details
Title: Neem Savage from Lawley
Site:The Lawley
Pilot:Crispin Rose-Innes
Date of flight:9th July 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
A tricky flight and rather harder than expected. The wind, more westerly than anticipated, proved a more southerly route towards the Malverns was unlikely.

Flying to the east of the Clee Hills, I eventually managed to catch up with Mark Watts and Carlo, near Cleobury Mortimer, who were engaged in a thermal directly above. Alas, I found myself too low to take advantage and I bombed out at around 30ks. Seconds after landing an RAF jet screamed overhead at less than 200'. Had I been in the air while preparing to land, flesh and bone would have splattered his windscreen and we would both have been dead.

A friendly taxi driver took me back on a tiny moorland road, over the Clee Hills, passing the golf ball radar domes on the way. 'These hills' he said 'are the highest point in a straight line from here to the Ural Mountains.' The local Inn is called The Kremlin where they frequently tune  in to Russian Radio. No wonder the low flying jets!

A good day with Grita, Pete Impey and others and so glad not to have been savaged by the lone BAE Hawk!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:52.395083,-2.4659
Landing place:Neem Savage
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance30.35 km
Score30.35 km
GPS evidence from:2015-07-09_09-55.kml