
Flight details
Title: Mt Caburn to Three Cups Corner (No....really!!)
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Peter Impey
Date of flight:23rd July 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
As we reached the top of Mt C, thick topcover rolled over the sky and the nice CUs forming upwind disappeared. There was a line of low clouds two or three kms inland, but  - once in the air - not a ray of sun getting to the ground anywhere (and so it remained for the entire flight). Not most auspicious for an xc. Nonetheless, a slow scrappy climb in the breeze took me past commitment point before I had even got to 1,200ft. And so the flight continued, scraping away not getting above 1,500ft for the first 20 mins. Then under the cloud street, some better climbs up to around 2,800 ft eventually, but I got a bit confused about route selection and decisions and perhaps ended up a bit close to the sea air just upwind of my street. So down to land at the colourfully named Three Cups Corner for 25.4km round the turnpoints. Thanks to two kind drivers who responded to my thumb, a bus and then Grita for collecting me for the last bit of the retrieve. 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.957533,0.327267
Landing place:Three Cups Corner
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance25.41 km
Score25.41 km
GPS evidence from:XC.013853.igc