
Flight details
Title: Caburn to Broad Oak
Site:Mount Caburn
Pilot:Crispin Rose-Innes
Date of flight:31st July 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Didn't expect this!

Arrived hot and puffed on the top of Caburn early afternoon to watch Pete Impey drift away towards dark looking clouds to the north. Unpacked, waited a short while for the wind to ease off, which it did, just as predicted. It still felt on the strong side and during a brief lull, chose my moment and launched. A little scratchy at first and quite rough too. Maybe, maybe not I kept thinking as I dodged my way between the tandems and their wake.

Thermals seemed to be working well immediately in front of Caburn and engaging these, dropping in and out between tandems, I eventually found the one I needed to take me on my way. Now drifting back I found myself in smoother air and a good climb with Mariusz Macias on his 777 Rook. We stayed together, working well as a pair and while zig-zagging and keeping a close eye on airspace, headed north towards Heathfield. We engaged with big, dark broody looking clouds and on a glide with something approaching +5up I decided to push on without a turn and headed for a gap. From that altitude, Dungeness and the wind turbines were in view and I realised that although I had a good tail wind, I was fast approaching the sea-breeze front coming in from the east. On the next turn and looking back, I saw that Marius had more courage with the big stuff overhead. He must have topped out at over 5000'. I went on east and Marius deviated more to the south. Why, I wondered?

Engaging with the ridge to the east of Heathfield I badly needed another climb before crossing extensive woodland and a valley leading to the next ridge to the north and the golden gateway to Ashford. It wasn't to be! 

Lovely flying with Marius in perfect harmony for so much of the way. Thank you to Pete Impey for the brilliant retrieve. We also picked up Marius and Grita on the way back. What a wonderful afternoon and what stunning views! 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.979417,0.2887
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance22.83 km
Score22.83 km
GPS evidence from:2015-07-31_13-38.kml