
Flight details
Title: BCC Final Merthyr to Pontypool
Site:Merthyr Common
Pilot:Ex Member 3541
Date of flight:15th August 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
This was a flight full of new experiences for me:
1. Soaring a ridge that wasn't the ridge I'd taken off from.  That was quite exciting.  It didn't last long though, as I managed to climb out again fairly quickly with another pilot on an Advance wing.
2. Climbing above the clouds!  Or rather up the side of them.  I found a bit of sky that must have had a drier airmass, as I was climbing towards some wispy clouds above me at 4200ft while looking down on some thick clouds next to me with a cloudbase of 3500ft.  That was spectacular and the climbs were really good there too.
3. Eating in flight.  I'd been in the air nearly two hours and I was gliding, so I thought I'd try and eat something.  I opened a sausage roll, took one bite and promptly flew into some lift, so I stuffed the sausage roll into my pod and rolled into a turn.  10 minutes later I was on the ground and the sausage roll was nowhere to be seen.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.690083,-3.017383
Landing place:Pontypool
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance26.74 km
Score26.74 km
In novice league?YES
GPS evidence from:XC.013950.igc