
Flight details
Title: Hike and fly and bus and hitch and hike and fly and hike and pub
Site:Ketle Sings
Pilot:Ex Member 3541
Date of flight:26th September 2015
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
After a frustrating day of ground handling at Liddington on Friday, I was pretty sure I was in the right place today. I camped at the bottom of the Malvern ridge ready for an early start in the cold morning inversion. I decided to leave my car at the campsite and take the hour or so walk up to launch. When I got there I was the only one there which had me a bit worried, but slowly more pilots arrived. Despite resolving to wait for conditions to come on before going anywhere, I misjudged a slope landing and instead of going round for another go, which I had the height for, I decided to go for a death* or glory glide over the trees and houses towards the bottom landing field. 
No glory resulted. 
Predictably, it all switched on around 1 o'clock just as I started my walk back to launch, although I was heartened to see 3 others had bombed out when I got back to the top. I launched into a lovely cycle after listening to the ground dwelling pilots around me saying it's not working here and they might walk to the other launch.  I made my way north along the tree covered ridge and got a bit low over some houses built surprisingly near the top of the hill, but they delivered a nice strong climb and I caught up with a gaggle who were thermalling further out from the ridge. I thought I might have trouble climbing out from there, being so close to the sharp spineback, but the climb was nice and strong with not much drift, so I took it almost to cloudbase. I then headed generally downwind, hopping between clouds which were all quite close together. I was having fun until I made the mistake of being on bar while gliding downwind through sink. I thought I was going down rather too quickly, so I came off bar only to see my glide ratio improve instantly on my Kobo. By that point it was too late and I didn't find anything else before I landed at Weston Beggard about 19k downwind.  Technical issues meant I didn't get a tracklog :(  
After getting a bus to Ledbury, I hitched part of
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:52.068672,-2.61456
Landing place:Weston Beggard
Witness:Errr, I posted on Telegram SW Retri
Distance18.90 km
Score18.90 km
In novice league?YES