
Flight details
Title: Accidental FAI Triangle
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Martin Long
Date of flight:18th February 2016
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
The wind was very strong on arrival. Having seen the aftermath of a horrid incident where a pilot got dragged into the car park I thought better of being brave and waited. After a couple of hours of watching the hangies having a great time in a very interesting looking sky the pg pilots started mustering on launch. Dave Willis launched and went up and forward which was the signal for another handful of pilots to launch. The wind was still stiff and the lift was over 2 up and everywhere. I pushed upwind and eventually found the upwind side of the thermal. I found much lighter conditions when I returned to the Truleigh ridge as the wind died down a bit and the thermals got more cyclic... and pretty rough at times! Having got back to launch I went for a cup of coffee until my heart rate returned to something resembling normal.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:50.885583,-0.212833
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance7.74 km
Score12.38 km
GPS evidence from:2016-02-18_13-27.kml