
Flight details
Title: Dyke to Swanborough
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Rob Simpson
Date of flight:25th February 2016
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
A vertical take-off took me straight into lift to about 1500', without turning, and a boat-about out front, and to the powerlines, showed that there was plenty more about.  After top-landing a sinky cycle, I relaunched west of the bowl, and copped a couple of good thermals out front. 

Then i) my phone/tracker died, ii) I noticed my brake line covering had worn and split, exposing 8 inches of core.  I managed to plug my phone into a charger and restart, and decided there was nothing I could do about that line, and that it would probably be okay... hmmm.  All this while I had been drifting back to Saddlecombe, and had lost the thermal not so high as to head off.

Pushing back to Newtimber Hill, I picked up a thermal just behind it that took me to 2500' over the A23.  Heading off parallel with the A27, got another thermal that took me to 2700 above Stanmer.  I was now following two from below, they more towards Ditchling Ridge, and a third (AndrewB?) lower to my south.  I had decided earlier that should I get this far, Northerly would be my route, but not liking to follow from behind I followed Andrew from above, but nothing nothing nothing to the wet, boggy ground.

I saw you close to landing, Andrew, but was not sure where.  Someone offered a lift before I had packed up, I jumped at it.  I did check on xcr.org and telegram to see if any pilots near me had logged in. 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.850717,-0.008583
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance15.64 km
Score15.64 km
GPS evidence from:XC.014245.igc
Andrew Beresford27th Feb 03:20: No worries, Rob. Looking at all the entries there was nothing more whichever route we took.