
Flight details
Title: Another triangle
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Chris Townsend
Date of flight:25th March 2016
Wing type:Rigid wing
Flight details:
While some of the XC hounds went off on more ambitious flights, I stayed local (as usual), doing a 20k triangle from the Dyke to Steyning to Henfield.  I got just under 4,000ft near Truleigh, enough to push across the Steyning gap.  The sky was blue to the west at that time and with no cloud to aim for I got no lift on the way out nor on the way back. Another climb to near 4,000ft near Truleigh followed and I thought I'd head towards Henfield for a triangle, certain to find a climb on the way there.  It was buoyant but I found no climb there or back.  I  thought I wouldn't get back to Truleigh at one point but got a little blip, a zero, to allow me to drift back with a hundred feet to spare.  With an aching back I headed back to the Dyke having had enough.  I arrived at the bowl with just enough height to probably make a top landing but thought I'd carry on to the NW slope and try to top up a little.  That was a mistake and I ended up in the bottom landing field, making a good landing into what down there was a very light north-easterly.

A highlight of the day was the retrieve back to the top on the back of Ozzie's classic 1970 Kawasaki 250.  After derigging, I hung around a while chewing the fat and waiting to hear from the XC hounds.  I went to retrieve Taka who had flown from the Dyke to Mercury and back to the bottom of Truleigh for a huge 112k out and return.  Meanwhile, back at the pub, James got in three orders of fish and chips and Taka and I got back to the Dyke just as the food was being served.  A perfect end to a lovely day.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:FAI Triangle
Finish at:50.8846,-0.216733
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance20.63 km
Score51.58 km
GPS evidence from:XC.014304.igc
Paul Cryer26th Mar 02:55: Your little triangles are getting bigger...! Think you may have had luke today on points .. Glad you had a good day
Chris Townsend26th Mar 05:05: Yes, a bit bigger each time. I'd have gone on past Henfield if I'd found a climb on the way but turned round when I thought I had just enough height left to get back to the safety of the ridge. Nowhere near Luke, Dave, PaulH on points, that one. Petersfield to Parham (PaulH) is about 33k x2 x2 = 132. So even a bit short of Parham is much bigger than 50.