
Flight details
Title: Crazy Sky Day
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Catherine Castle
Date of flight:30th April 2016
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Arrived on the hill and tried to avoid too many pre-flight natters (although I did stop to give Andrew a quick squeeze and to admire Grita's fabulous orange down jacket - must try and half inch it at some point. ..) before launching into a bumpy sky.  A couple of climbs over the the back brought me back almost at slope height when I tried to push forward again, but eventually found something that drifted me across to the A23 with reasonable height.  By this point it was quite strong from the NW, so I had to make a decision, plump for a down wind dash and land at the coast (or possibly at sea) or try and push north.  I decided on the latter and was rewarded when I saw an EasyJet -esque Enzo join me in a climb.  Great!  Now I had a shit-hot pilot to follow - how could I fail?!  It appears observation isn't my strong point, as soon after we were joined by Andrew.  Not that I saw him though, Middle Watts asked me when we were on the ground who it had been, at which point I looked blank and said "what other pilot?". A climb later and I had carried on pushing north with Mark, whilst Andrew headed down-wind.  A smart move as we came down somewhere between Ringmer and Laughton, whereas Andrew added another 10 k and got to Beachy Head.  Thanks to Hugh for the "above and beyond" retrieve down dusty farm tracks and past "Private Land - Keep Out" signs.  Much appreciated.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.8852,0.114617
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance29.54 km
Score29.54 km
GPS evidence from:XC.014385.igc