
Flight details
Title: Devils Dyke to Polegate
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Peter Impey
Date of flight:30th April 2016
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Active sky, full of paragliders as I drove up. Launched (eventually....don't ask), climbed, drifted back towards the A27, pushed forward a bit, climbed a bit more and set off..... Slow work plugging back into the wind after each climb. The climbs were getting stronger past about 3k and after a bit of a cloud sucky moment, decided I'd leave climbs at around 3,500ft. Slowly worked my way past favoured landing sites: there went the Trevor, the Ram, the Rose Cottage and - oh - that was the Cricketers. The Whatsit at Wilmington passed by quickly with a bit more W in the wind, then as I flew over Polegate with the breeze still setting me firmly towards the Pevensey Marshes and with rain showers in evidence a bit to the North I decided enough was enough and turned back to get a bit closer to the station. Got gently rained on after I had packed up.

PS: ignore the take off and landing time. Despite setting the Oudie (which I am very much a novice with) to UTC +1, it seems to use UTC for flight records. Also, although it certainly was a bit feisty from time to time, I categorically did not climb at 15m/s and happily didn't descend at 16m/s either...... 
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:50.825683,0.262083
Landing place:Polegate
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance37.66 km
Score37.66 km
GPS evidence from:XC.014387.igc