
Flight details
Title: leckhampton to 56k away
Pilot:John Turczak
Date of flight:14th May 2016
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
57 k from leckhampton today.Slightly tricky at the beginning waiting for a thermal to come through. Then a nice climb out.  Had a brilliant low save at 30k that would otherwise have grounded me.Took me around 10 minutes of patient zeros a few hundred feet off the ground before finding a climb out.  Thanks to the pilot on the blue Nova  that I saw climbing out from the there and marking the thermal. The next lowish save came from two buzzards spotted thermalling up. The best climb of the day was flying under Bristol airspace where I had to use big ears and bar to keep out of it. You work to get up and then you get a great climb and have to stop it.  If any prizes are given for the slowest flight of the day I think I think its mine. Second best UK flight for me. And a bus and train retrieve back to the car.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.380483,-2.067817
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from KML file
Distance57.25 km
Score57.25 km
GPS evidence from:2016-05-14_11-39leckmay.kml