
Flight details
Title: Selsley Slackers
Site:Selsley Common
Pilot:Catherine Castle
Date of flight:15th May 2016
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
We finally arrived at Selsley, after taking a wrong turn or two (thanks Crispin for the phone call!), knowing that the Sky Gods would be descending shortly for the final day of the North-South cup.  Undeterred by such greatness, the Slackers took to the sky for the Selsley leg of the BCC.  I wasn't flying for the team that day, and possibly because the pressure was off, felt especially relaxed. I spotted some birds out front, launched and almost immediately found a climb which took me to base.  What a great start to the day, and then it got better as I found climb after climb.  There were plenty of other pilots in the sky acting as markers, and over the course of there hours I was caught up by, flew with briefly, before being left for dust by packs of Enzos and other hot-ships.  It was a beautiful day and after the first few 25 k or so the climbs started getting easier.  That was of course before I got panicked by my instruments telling me I was in airspace.  Yes, once again I had set my GPS up incorrectly, and begun to doubt I was where I was allowed.  That was enough to make me divert away from lift to be on the safe side.  Which I then failed to find again. But I'm still happy, it was a lovely day and a lovely flight.  Of course I've realised I still don't have this airspace malarky licked, as my track log appears to say I was in the clear. More homework for me!
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Flight with 3 turnpoints
Finish at:51.276417,-1.510767
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance76.01 km
Score76.01 km
GPS evidence from:XC.014438.igc