
Flight details
Title: October is finally over
Site:Devils Dyke
Pilot:Dave Massie
Date of flight:5th July 2016
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Too windy until 4-ish, then it got nice, but with weaker thermals. Took a very slow thermal to 1000 feet over takeoff, then saw 14-year old above me, so had to try harder - went forward and got a pulsating 1-up to 1500 ATO, where it started to get decent, and took that to 3300 ATO over the A23. finally in a 3-up which fizzled out after that; no trip to cloudbase today. Headed of to the University ,and stamped on the speed bar as the 4-down sink monster grabbed me. Twang! went the line ,and there I am, yanking down on the A lines to make the glider go faster...  The Uni campus did its usual thing, and now, at a mere 700 ATRO, gave me a roughish thermal, really weak, but getting stronger aqgain at 1500ATO. That went to 2600 ATO befreo again fizzling out. Glided over Swanborough, down to 1100 ATO, where a disorganised thermal took mr to 1300 ATO - in 20 minutes.  Then it was a glide to Middle Farm, and what must be the World's moi=ost expnsive soft drink. 

Started walking along the A27 (not recommended), until Ross Weedon picked me up. What a star that man is!

Yippee! Is this Summer at last?
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:50.852312,0.112634
Landing place:Middel Farm
Distance23.21 km
Score23.21 km