
Flight details
Title: go with the wind from combe
Site:Combe Gibbet
Pilot:Phil Ettinger
Date of flight:9th August 2016
Wing type:Paraglider
Flight details:
Got to the hill with andrew and with an old friend tim,who some years back we had an adventure climbing mt blanc to fly from top,but thats another story,memories memories ...but back to this little flight.The Debate from andrews house in pewsey,to which site to go too,was decided by distance of drive,combe won as parking the old tea van at the top was voted for.Arriving their too only find a few pilots all on the ground with gusty conditions,was not nice too see,after viewing on telegram that flying was being had at Liddington,a site we dismissed.
  Some might know that i dont mind a bit of gusting,so all on the hill voteed me as wind dummy,whats new...off i goes,not too bad really,and with in 10 mins found a climb out in feisty wind..i tried to wait around for others to launch and join me,as i didnt want to go xc alone,more is better,but the old buggers just could not get off the ridge.Time to leave as wind was strong .WTF my oudie again after loading air space and altitude in ft after my last xc ,was not working..pants .i did know that if i headed a straight path to petersfield ,i would miss air space,thats all i did really.It was a struggle to stay high,and landed too watch 20 mins later 2 small gaggles fly over me as the sky got better, i now know one to be pete I. Landing choice was my only joy,as i picked the most expensive mansion possible,good call,a gent came out to meet me ,gave me tea and drove me back to andwers pad a good hours drive away,He and his good wife ,was made up with me landing in the garden, and invited me to their other house under the hill of snowdon..so i promised to venture to mt snowdon one day,and land in their other garden...  again.... :) 
I was told my get away from the hill was good timing as it went west shortly after and i was the only sensible flight to be had.
Cross-country league entry
Flight type:Open Distance XC
Finish at:51.1359,-1.120133
Landing place:
Witness:Turnpoints taken from IGC file
Distance35.64 km
Score35.64 km
GPS evidence from:XC.014580.igc